
As part of your application logic flow, you will come to functions that expect the context to be available with specific data at runtime.

Testing such functions while very much valid during usual server runtime, may be trickier in a testing environnment, as it is not during an actual request-response cycle. While it can be done in a full-blown integration test, if you want to test the functionality of your function extensively while keeping it to a limited scope during unit test, you can use the request_cycle_context context manager.

import logging
from starlette_context import context, request_cycle_context

# original function assuming a context available
def original_function():
    client_id = context["x-client-id"]
    return client_id

# test
def test_my_function():
    assumed_context = {"x-client-id": "unit testing!"}
    with request_cycle_context(assumed_context):
        assert original_function() == "unit testing!"

Or using pytest fixture

from starlette_context import context, request_cycle_context
from starlette_context.ctx import _Context
from starlette_context.errors import ConfigurationError

def ctx_store():
    return {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}

def mocked_context(ctx_store) -> None:
    with request_cycle_context(ctx_store):
        yield context

def test_my_function(mocked_context, ctx_store):
    assert mocked_context == ctx_store